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Member registration for Rosh Hashana Services 2024

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 29 Elul 5784

7:00 PM - 1:00 PM Next DayFriends Meeting of Austin and via Zoom

This is the member's registration page for Rosh Hashana 2024/5785.

The event page for Rosh Hashana is HERE (not yet live). The event page will have the Zoom links, service PDFs, links for the Oneg goodies, etc. 


Please please please be sure to enter your name in the very first box on this page (the box at the top of the page) and log in.  If you don't log in then this registration will not be connected to your name or your account and we won't know who you are!
Additional Donation. Please use this area to add any other donations for Rosh Hashanah.

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Fri, September 27 2024 24 Elul 5784