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Congregation Shalom Rav offers innovative Jewish education

Registration now open for Spring-Summer 2025 Adult Education Courses!

We are delighted to announce our new and ongoing Adult Education courses!  Registration information has been sent to all current members and to the Friends of CSR mailing list.  If you did not receive the registration email or if you are not on one of our mailing lists and would like to register, please let us know here.  

All courses are led by highly qualified CSR members and held via Zoom. Most of our classes meet once a month; the Torah Study, Hebrew, and Pirkei Avot classes meet weekly.  Our Spring/Summer 2025 semester runs from March through August.  The Fall 2025 semester will begin in September 2025.  Non-members are welcome as space permits; a donation to the Congregation is requested (but not required). 

Below is general information about each class being offered this semester; just scroll down for more info.


1.  Taylor Book Club: ongoing, the 3rd Thursday of each month, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. The Taylor Book Club has been meeting for 12 years. After picking a Jewish-themed book, typically about history, participants discuss various points of the chapter(s) of the month.  Facilitated by Sandra Litwin. 

2. Standing Again at Sinai and Womyn’s Circle: ongoing, the 4th Thursday of each month, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Continues the study of the book Standing Again at Sinai and includes the popular Womyn’s Circle. Salkana Schindler leads the Womyn’s circles and Sandra Litwin will co-lead the classes focusing on the book study.

3.  Weekly Torah Study (BESHT):  a weekly Torah study using the commentary attributed to the Baal Shem Tov (BESHT), called Sefer Baal Shem Tov Al HaTorah.  This is a holy sefer (book) that Rabbi Monty Elizsov studied, may his memory be a blessing; the weekly Torah Study is in his honor and all donations from this class will be dedicated to our Mitzvah Fund (which he started and felt passionately about).  We will use Sefaria as our primary source text, with the translation from R' Eliezore Shore (also in paperback: volume 1volume 2)supplemented by additional translations and reference sources. 
March 3–July 28 (Mondays 7-8pm). Led by Ya’akov Love.

4. Hebrew Reading - Level I.  (Beginning Siddur Hebrew.) Participants in this free course will learn to read Hebrew. Designed for Jews with little or no background in Hebrew, it concentrates on teaching the Hebrew alphabet and reading skills (primarily TaNaKh and Siddur Hebrew). Each participant will receive a free copy of National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP)’s "Reishith Binah" Hebrew primer. March - August weekly on Mondays 6 pm - 6:50 pm. First meeting, March 3, 2025.  Per NJOP policy no donation is requested for this class.  

5.   Pirkei Avot is a tractate in the Mishnah. From at least the time of Saadia Gaon (10th century), it has been customary to study one chapter a week between Passover and Shavuot; we will follow that tradition from April 20 – June 1 (Sundays 9:30 -10:30 am).
Pirkei Avot ("Ethics of Our Fathers") contains almost no laws, consisting instead of short statements of advice, ethics, and wisdom. The first chapter outlines the stages of the transmission of the Oral Torah, beginning with Moses at Mount Sinai and continuing through the prophets and sages. The next four chapters contain statements of rabbinic sages, largely in chronological order. The last chapter focuses on the merits of Torah study.  We will use Sefaria as our primary source text, supplemented by traditional and modern commentaries - including excerpts from The Baal Shem Tov on Pirkey Avoth.  An Introduction doc and Brief Biographies of the Sages with chronological timeline is provided for reference. Led by Ya’akov Love. 

Additional Information:

We request a $18- donation for each course from members and a $36- donation from non-members.  CSR does not turn anyone away for financial reasons; please donate according to your means.

Non-members are welcome as space permits.

Each instructor sets the minimum and maximum registration requirements for their course. Registration information has been sent to all current members and to the non-members on our Friends of CSR mailing list.  If you did not receive the registration email or if you are not on one of our mailing lists and would like information, please let us know here.  Kindly register by March 1, 2025.

Taylor Book Study Group

Title Taylor Book Study Group
Leader(s) Rotates among participants
Meeting time and place 3rd Thursday of each month, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 pm, via Zoom
Starting/ending dates Ongoing
Cost / books needed / other logistics

The Taylor Book Club is currently reading The Exodus: How it Happened and Why it Matters by Richard Elliott Friedman; winner of the 2014 Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature.

Here is a brief synopsis of The Exodus: The exodus has become a core tradition of Western civilization.  Millions read it, retell it, and celebrate it.  But did it happen?  Unable to find physical evidence until now, many archaeologists and scholars claim this mass migration is just a story, not history

Richard Friedman cuts through the noise -- the serious studies and the wild theories -- merging new findings with new insight.  From a spectrum of disciplines, state-of-the-art archeological breakthroughs, and fresh discoveries within scripture, he brings real evidence of a historical basis for the exodus -- the history behind the story.  The biblical account of millions fleeing Egypt may be an exaggeration, but the exodus itself is not a myth.

Description After picking a Jewish themed book, typically about history, participants discuss various points of the chapter(s) that have been read. Often times participants try to connect the historical points to modern life. 


Standing Again at Sinai (III) / Womyn’s Circle

Title Standing Again at Sinai and Womyn’s Circle
Leader(s) Salkana Schindler, Sandra Litwin
Meeting time and place 4th Thursday of each month, 6:30-8:00 pm, via Zoom
Cost / books needed / other logistics Standing Again at Sinai: Judaism from a Feminist Perspective by Judith Plaskow

We will continue the study of Standing Again at Sinai: Judaism from a Feminist Perspective by Judith Plaskow  “a feminist critique of Judaism as a patriarchal tradition and an exploration of the increasing involvement of women in naming and shaping Jewish tradition.”

The class alternates sessions which focus on discussing the book with experiential sessions or Womyn’s Circles.

Men are welcome to attend the class portion, but not the Womyn’s Circles.

Weekly Torah Study (BESHT)

Title Weekly Torah Study (BESHT)
Leader(s) Ya'akov Love
Meeting time and place Mondays, 7-8 pm, via Zoom
Starting/ending dates Ongoing through end of July, 2025
Cost / books needed / other logistics

An English translation is available in 2 volumes: Baal Shem Tov: Genesis, Exodus (vol 1), Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy (vol 2): Mystical Stories on the Weekly Torah Portion, translated by Rabbi Eliezer Shore.

Baal Shem Tov Genesis Exodus ($15)

Baal Shem Tov Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy ($10) 

The text is also available online here:’al_Shem_Tov%2C_Bereshit.1.1?lang=bi&with=all 

Description A weekly Torah study using the commentary attributed to the Baal Shem Tov (BESHT), called Sefer Baal Shem Tov Al HaTorah.  This is a holy sefer that Rabbi Monty Eliasov, may his memory be a blessing, studied; the weekly Torah Study is in his honor and all donations from this class will be dedicated to our Mitzvah Fund (which he started and felt passionately about).   Note that registration does not mean you are obligated to attend every week or for the full hour (if you’re interested in studying the text feel free to register and study / attend as you are able).  Led by Ya’akov Love.


Hebrew Reading Crash Course Level I.  (Beginning Siddur Hebrew.)

Title Hebrew Reading Crash Course Level I.  (Beginning Siddur Hebrew.)
Leader(s) Ya'akov Love
Meeting time and place Mondays 6 - 6:50 pm via Zoom
Starting/ending dates March 3, 2025
Cost / books needed / other logistics Each participant will receive a free copy of National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP)’s "Reishith Binah" Hebrew primer.


Pirkei Avot

Title  Pirkei Avot 
Leader(s) Ya'akov Love
Meeting time and place Sundays 9:30 - 10:30 am, via Zoom
Starting/ending dates April 20 - June 1
Cost / books needed / other logistics We will use Sefaria as our primary source text, supplemented by traditional and modern commentaries - including excerpts from The Baal Shem Tov on Pirkey Avoth.  An Introduction doc and Brief Biographies of the Sages with chronological timeline is provided for reference. 
Description Pirkei Avot is a tractate in the Mishnah. From at least the time of Saadia Gaon (10th century), it has been customary to study one chapter a week between Passover and Shavuot; we will follow that tradition.  
Pirkei Avot ("Ethics of Our Fathers") contains almost no laws, consisting instead of short statements of advice, ethics, and wisdom. The first chapter outlines the stages of the transmission of the Oral Torah, beginning with Moses at Mount Sinai and continuing through the prophets and sages. The next four chapters contain statements of rabbinic sages, largely in chronological order. The last chapter focuses on the merits of Torah study.  
Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785